The Truth Behind Standing Desks

Understanding the Popularity of Standing Desks
Standing desks, also known as stand-up desks, are desks that allow you to work while standing rather than sitting. They have gained immense popularity due to their perceived health benefits. Initially, these desks were custom-made, often costing thousands of dollars, but now more affordable solutions like desk converters allow for easy transitions between sitting and standing. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global standing desk market is projected to grow from $2.8 billion in 2021 to $3.6 billion by 2026, indicating a significant increase in demand (MarketsandMarkets).

Health Benefits of Standing Desks
Potential Reduction in Health Risks
Research suggests that prolonged sitting can increase the risk of several health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers such as colon and breast cancer. A systematic review published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health found that using a standing desk can lead to a modest increase in calorie expenditure — around 0.15 calories per minute more than sitting (Journal of Physical Activity and Health).

Impact on Productivity and Mental Health
Transitioning to standing desks has also been associated with improved mental alertness and productivity. A study conducted by the Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Public Health observed that call center employees who used standing desks were 46% more productive than those who remained seated (Texas A&M Health Science Center).

Common Misconceptions and Challenges
Weight Loss Expectations
While standing desks contribute to a slight increase in calorie burn, they are unlikely to lead directly to significant weight loss. The key to weight loss is a holistic approach involving diet and regular physical activity.

Potential Discomfort and Adjustment Period
Switching from a sitting to a standing position throughout the workday can initially lead to discomfort, including back, leg, or foot pain. It is essential to ease into the use of a standing desk gradually, starting with 30 to 60 minutes per day and increasing the duration as comfort permits.

Best Practices for Standing Desk Usage
Adjustable Setup: Ensure your standing desk or converter can be adjusted to match your height for optimal ergonomics.
Regular Movement: Alternate between sitting and standing. Aim to change your posture every 30 to 60 minutes.
Proper Footwear: Wear comfortable shoes to reduce the strain on your feet and back.
Use of Anti-Fatigue Mats: These can reduce discomfort and fatigue associated with prolonged standing.

Standing desks offer several health benefits, particularly in reducing the risks associated with prolonged sitting. However, they are not a cure-all solution for weight loss or other health issues. Proper use, including gradual adoption and alternating between sitting and standing, is crucial to maximizing the benefits while minimizing discomfort. As with any ergonomic intervention, individual preferences and needs should guide the use of standing desks.

Natural Ways To Detoxify Kidneys And Reduce Risk Of Stones Effectively

Lifestyle plays a great role in controlling health issues like renal stones. Reasons contributing for renal stone formation vary from one person to another. Let’s see here the natural ways to detoxify kidneys. Dehydration is one among the main causes of renal stone formation. How many glasses of water do you drink per day? As per studies, a person is advised to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. It flushes out toxins from body and reduces the risk of health issues naturally.

As per studies, drinking diluted apple cider vinegar is found to be very useful to reduce the risk of stones. If possible, feel free to make use of diluted apple cider vinegar daily in the morning and in the evening. Drinking lemon juice is one among the best herbal remedies to treat stone complaints in gallbladder. In order to achieve the best result, it is recommended to include olive oil and lemon juice in salads that you prepare and consume.

Today you can get many products from market that boast off cure from health issues like renal stones. If you are planning to buy a product from store, make sure that you select the right one from market. As per studies, drinking pomegranate juice daily is found to be very useful to get relief from health issues like renal stones. Presence of antioxidants is a key feature of this natural cure. It fights against free radical mechanism and prevents the risk of health issues due to aging impact.

Drinking nettle leaf tea is found to be very useful to alleviate the troubles due to renal stones. Amazing diuretic property is a key feature of this herbal cure. It flushes out toxins from body and decreases the chance of a wide range of health issues. Today, you can find a wide range of products in market that boast off cure from health issues like gallstones. You can make use of reviews and feedback from customers to select the right product from store.

Including fiber in daily diet is found to be very effective to improve digestion naturally. Oats, mangoes and green leafy vegetables are some among the best recommended food sources with high fiber concentration. As per studies, including kidney beans in daily diet is found to be very useful to improve the functioning of kidneys and liver. Hence feel free to make use of kidney beans in daily diet.

UT Clear capsule is one among the best herbal remedies to treat health issues like renal stones. It disintegrates renal stones and improves urination naturally. 100% herbal composition is a key feature of this product. Today, this herbal cure is made from ingredients that can improve the functioning of liver and kidneys.

Lack of side effect is a key feature of this herbal product. Almost all the ingredients added for the preparation of this product has been used for decades to treat a wide range of health issues. You can make use of this herbal cure with any other supplement. Also, try to make use of this cure at least twice per day.

Criteria and Issues of an OHSAS System

A systematic, documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating audit evidence events, condition or information about these matters, conform to audit criteria, and communicating ate results of this process to the client. In executing and OHSAS – audit, one should always keep in mind that the basic questions that should be answered are:

Is the OHSAS complete?

Does it contain all the necessary elements? Answering this question is clearer if the organisation use an OHSAS standard as a reference. Then the elements, which should be there, are described very clearly. Checks may need to cover:

OHSAS policy
OHSAS programme
Organisational structure, tasks, responsibilities, authorities
Internal and external communications
Procedures, instructions
Training and competence
Measuring and recording
Corrective mechanisms
OHSAS auditing and management review processes
Emergency procedures and plans.
Questions relating to OHSAS 18001 policy could then e.g. be:

Has the OHSAS policy been established in writing?
Has it been communicated to all employees?
Is it appropriate to the nature, scale and OHSAS impacts of the activities, products and services
Does it include a commitment to continual improvement of the OHSAS performance and to prevention of pollution?
Is it the right OHSAS 18001 for the activities involved?

This involves checking whether the OHSAS elements have been properly tailored to the nature and the complexity of the organisation’s activities, and to the OHSAS aspects and impacts that are linked to them.

For this criterion it will be necessary to check issues such as:

Local situation of the company
Air, water emissions and discharges
Soil pollution
Handling and storage of raw materials, chemicals and hazardous substance
Collection and disposal of wastes
Technical OHSAS provisions
Process performance and management
OHSAS risks
Maintenance aspects.
Is it implemented well?

The auditor should check whether the system has really been implemented at all levels and activities in the organisation. Also this check will have to done by sampling. Checks may include:

Availability and implementations of procedures
Training records
Availability of records and measurements reports
Whether the OHSAS policy has been communicated to all employees.
Is it suitable for fulfilling the OHSAS 18001 policy and objectives of the organisation?

One can have a complete system, it can be tailored well to the nature and the complexity at hand, it can be implemented well, and still it may not be sufficient to fulfill the organisation’s OHSAS 18001 policy and objectives. Therefore the audit should also take into account checking the real OHSAS performance achieved with the system against the policy and objectives. Checks may include:

Checking measurements of emissions and discharges against objectives.
Checking specific provisions in licenses and regulations for compliance
The OHSAS 18001 system has to be implemented with planned approach and target dates have to be fixed for smooth installation of ISO: 14001. The general steps listed below have to be planned with target dates for OHSAS installation:

Conduct OHSAS: 18001-awareness program (top + middle + bottom level).
Form a steering committee and task force for documentation
Identification of All Possible OHSAS Aspects to the company.
Brainstorming On Impacts of All Possible Aspects. Identification of Most Significant Aspects.
Define OHSAS Policy, Objectives and Targets.
Prepare documents of OHSAS management system, Records, Legal Requirements.
Train all for OHSAS Policy and for achieving Objectives & Targets.
Communication to all including Suppliers and Interested parties.
Implementation & train all personnel in the use of procedures & formats.
Reparation and Implementation of OHSAS programme.
Train internal auditors.
Assess the system through first internal audit.
Take corrective actions for non-conformities.
Apply for certification.
Assess the system through second round of internal audit.
Avail onsite document adequacy of certifying body.
Take actions on suggestions given by them.
Final audit by certifying body.
The occupational health and safety system as per ohsas 18001 standard which guides user for control risk in the organization. The iso 9001:2008 standard documents helps user for implement best quality management system within the organization.